Sunday, October 01, 2023

Algonquin Park in peak fall colours

Ontario's massive park is bursting out in fall colours right now which adds so much to the natural beauty of Algonquin Park. Created in 1893 to help preserve some of the wilderness and headwaters of quite a few important rivers you can find so much to see and do  with a lot of the park accessible along Highway 60, just 3 hours north of Toronto. You don't have to go far into the park to see spectacular fall foliage - it's gorgeous enough along Highway 60 as the hills and valleys are full of colour (Colour Change : 100 - Leaf Fall : 10). They have electronic signs out warning people not to stop in live lanes on the road - this would be a very dangerous situation as so many are heading up to see the colours.
Some of the views along Highway 60

From the park's website; "The essence of Algonquin is in its vast interior of maple hills, rocky ridges, and thousands of lakes – 7,635 square kilometres of forests, bogs, lakes and rivers. The only way to explore the interior of this park is by paddle or on foot. There is also a second Algonquin - along the 56 kilometre stretch of Highway 60. Here you can enjoy camping at one of eight campgrounds, hike one of 14 interpretive trails, take part in the extensive educational Discovery Program, and visit Algonquin’s exceptional Visitor Centre, Logging Museum and Art Centre."
There are several Algonquin Outfitter locations in and around the park. They can drop off kayaks and canoes to your campsite or to the beach or docks where you depart for your voyage

We biked the amazing old rail trails, kayaked in rivers and lakes, camped in a forest of pine trees at Pog Lake campground and explored some of the museums, information centres and the nature walks. The only things we didn't do were portage between lakes and fish! Sadly the only moose or bear that we saw were in the visitor centre - stuffed.
On the multi-use rail trails in the park
Remnants of an old railway bridge
Past rail lines run along and through forests. This one is where an old sawmill was located
 On Rock Lake. We traveled between Rock Lake and Whitefish Lake

See more photos of the fall colours and the park after the jump.

Historic plaque

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