Tuesday, August 31, 2021

McLaughlin Planetarium to be demolished

The nuclear reactor looking building sitting beside, and was part of, the Royal Ontario Museum was closed in 1995 and was sold to the University of Toronto where it has not been showing the cosmos to anyone ever since. The round hunk of concrete was a star theatre that projected the night sky onto the inner part of the dome, you could even listen to concert series and watch fancy light shows. It sits well off the sidewalk along Queens Park so you kind of miss it unless you look for it.

In 2009 the sale of the site to U of T would allow for the expansion of the St. George campus while still allowing the museum to use the property for storage until the development takes place. The City of Toronto has designated several adjacent buildings under the Ontario Heritage Act, however the planetarium was not protected and will be demolished. Its removal would provide a buffer to the new 9 storey building slated to become the Centre for Civilizations, Cultures and Cities.

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