Sunday, July 26, 2020

A smelly river in Rockwood Conservation Area

Go to places during the early openings of relaxed Covid-19 restrictions include nature getaways, with the top destinations being sandy beaches - were the towns don't want you to visit (including keep away from Sauble, Wasaga and Barrie beaches you nasty tourists). In the small town of Rockwood you can check out the beautiful Rockwood Conservation Area.

Views and trails in the park are lovely, you can go above the river or follow along close to the edge of the water along the pothole trail. Unfortunately as you get close to the water all you can smell is a rank, sewage smell. Algae blooms have contributed to the unpleasant odours as it rots and grows mold. We have also recently taken the kayaks to Speed River in Guelph and it too has a lot of algae, however it lacks the ripe garbage smell that overwhelms in Rockwood.
The Grand River Conservation Authority website describes the park as "Towering limestone cliffs, caves and glacial potholes, including one of the world's largest, are a few of the natural wonders at Rockwood. You can view them from hiking trails on both sides of the Eramosa River or in a rented canoe. The park's unique setting makes it a popular location for television shows, movies and photography shoots. The ruins of the Harris & Co. Rockwood Woolen Mill are fun to explore, book for photographs or other group events." The ruins are currently fenced off and cannot be accessed.
The view from the Cedar Ridge Trail

A map of the Pothole Trail

See more of the park after the jump.

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