Sunday, July 27, 2008

2008 Fergus Truck Show

The Fergus Truck Show took over a large chunk of land stuffed full of big rigs and free goodies. Nothing better than watching the modified vehicles, with similar firepower to funny wheels racers, pulling the big loads as smoke belches into the air and the scream of the engines as they try to go that extra foot. A couple of the girls were wearing short kilts.
There were also booths and booths of driving firms looking for truckers - I guess it's a good time to get a job driving a rig.
There were a few models wandering around the show including a few Sleeman girls. Sleeman was the sponsor beer for the show and I enjoyed a few of their draft beer - or as they say draught, because you are parched.

Some of the Sleeman models take a break from the suds to say hi.

Taking time for the show and shine, getting the rig ready.

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